Thursday 20 August 2009

Friday's Training (14 August)

Sofia here.
sorry for not posting this earlier.

the sec 2s did silver footdrill.
sec 1s, i don't know what you were doing.
but im sure it was something fun. :)))
after all the test, training was quite fun.
espescially during PT.
and during the pouring-ourselves-with-water 'activity'.
though some of us did not do quite as expected,
we still had fun and learnt a very valuable lesson.
which is, there is no 'I' in a team.
we need each other to survive or conquer the problem
if any one of us falis, everybody fails.
the strength of group is the same as the strength of the weakest member.
i hope we can learn from our mistakes during the last training
and improve ourselves to be stonger and closer.


ok, enough being Bob the Builder.
tomorrow's training's details:

Bring everything you need to bring + 1.5l water bottle + PT kit(NCDCC and PE shirt)

Sec 1s
Full-u with jockey cap
Bronze Total Defence project (for those who have not done it)
i know Adelin is one of them.
don't postpone it any longer, later can never get badge. or worse, your rank. :P

Sec 2s
Full-u with beret
Still doing silver footdrill
we have to pass, you guys.
it's gonna be too late if we have to keep retesting.
because we really wasted a lot of time with the H1N1 thingy.

Sec 3s
PT kit
helping the sec 2s, i guess?

so yeah, that's it for today.
hope next week will not be busy.
though i doubt it because of common tests.
pictures will be uploaded soon.
depends on Khalida. GO BUG HER FOR THE PICTURES!

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